Founder of Motherland Sounds, Miriam Haregot, is ensuring that East African music and traditions have a place in the cultural landscape of Los Angeles. Haregot’s unique venture has quickly become an integral part of the city as a space that invites authenticity and community through sound.
Sharing East African Culture With the Community
Haregot is an entrepreneur hailing from Eritrea who founded Motherland Sounds with a team of five Ethiopians. She first opened the space to share the beauty of East African culture, but her simple idea quickly attracted attention on social media and by word of mouth. In a city that often focuses on West African narratives, Haregot’s approach is particularly impactful.
As Haregot told the Los Angeles Sentinel, “We’re East African, and from our point of view, we show the world what it’s like on the East side of Africa because there’s a lot of exposure on the West.”
Helping Others Value Authenticity
Events at Motherland Sounds are defined by an authentic East African experience, something that can’t be found anywhere else in the city. Haregot reflected on a recent event that she hosted at Issa Rae’s Lost in Downtown LA, which didn’t bring the experience her audience expected.
“When we couldn’t bring in our own East African-centered food, it kind of shifted the crowd,” Haregot said. “The location change made a difference. We’re coming back on March 26, and this time, we’re giving people the best of both worlds. We listened to their feedback, and I’m excited to show them what we’ve been working on.”
It would seem that Haregot’s presence in the community has drawn positive attention to East African culture, from food to music—something that guests now seek out. Her work is building upon the vibrant LA experience while sharing something new with the community.
A Passion for Community Service
Outside of her work at Motherland Sounds, Haregot holds a passion for community service. Her P.A.C.K Project (People Advocating Community Kinship) aims to address the unhoused population across LA by providing home-cooked meals through initiatives like Feed the Homies and offering shelter space.
“We’ve fed over 10,000 people,” Haregot said, “rotating chefs and cuisines every month. It gives people on the street something to look forward to. We’ve built a strong community of volunteers, chefs, and restaurants—mainly serving Skid Row and surrounding areas… My goal for 2025 is to create a self-sustaining shelter. I want to start with the children—teaching them life skills to help break the cycle.”
Supporting a Community Through Authenticity
Haregot’s ultimate mission is to support and build upon the LA community, introducing new cultural experiences while helping those around her. Each of her various initiatives is creating an authentic space that positively changes peoples’ attention toward cultures and societal issues, improving lives and inviting a diverse experience.
A Mission of Resilient Growth
Moving forward, Haregot only plans to continue in this mission of community growth and improvement. Her ideas become powerful forces in the city of LA, expressed through resilient and passionate dedication. Nothing is holding her back from selflessly creating change in the world around her.