Rewards come to those who work diligently and keep their faith. That’s what Temeko Richardson believes, and it’s a conviction that comes from experience. Having worked in multiple industries through the years, Richardson has gained wisdom on stalwart faith reinforced by life’s challenges. As the CEO of RLC Group Productions and the executive producer of its films, Richardson has achieved incredible outcomes by turning these experiences into creative energy.
Richardson’s work has led to award-winning filmmaking for RLC Group Productions. Richardson provides a trifecta contribution as producer, director, and writer to portray the lived human experience authentically while displaying a unique set of technical skills and creative talents. Richardson brings all of this to the table, as well as a wealth of cross-industry experience that cannot be imitated or replaced but can resonate with diverse audiences. And Richardson has also turned challenges into assets.
As a professional in the corporate space across different industries, Richardson’s greatest challenge was climbing the corporate ladder while holding fast to her Christian values. These values, at once motivation and calling, place extra constraints on the problems of office politics. While Richardson’s commitment to these values was often challenged, she turned the experiences into filmmaking assets.
Capitalizing on the success of the first short film, Fourth Down, which focused on the untold struggles of women who pioneered in male sports industries, the RLC Group launched the most recent feature, At The Cross. This feature is a story of a troubled church congregation struggling with many of the same societal pressures women, youth, and disparaged individuals feel. Richardson’s multi-faceted experiences, including living in a household of religious leaders, provide a unique asset that infuses the script, the characters, and the scenes with authentic honesty. Richardson’s creed, “You can be in the world, but not of the world,” shows through as the film’s characters learn how to influence the world around them positively. It flows from Richardson’s belief that true success comes from personal integrity and faith.

The film has brought acclaim to RLC Group and Richardson’s production skills. At The Cross was celebrated as the “Best Feature Script” at the San Diego Film Awards and the “Best Feature Film” at the Oakland Film Festival. The film was also an official Green Mountain Christian Film Festival selection.
Richardson is growing the catalog with both series and standalone projects with content concerning male mental health, athletes’ mindsets, and unchartered hiring practices. Both the series based on the short, I Am Him, and the documentary, The Tryout, are expected to launch in 2024 on the RLC Inspire Network on Roku and Amazon Fire. Richardson hopes that this multifaceted work and these creative projects will provide meaningful, positive productions that can inspire women, budding professional athletes, and professionals and educate just as much as they can entertain.
True success requires a long story; true faith is frequently tested numerous times as the story is lived. Richardson stayed faithful in a world that continues to challenge that faith, turning obstacles into opportunities to provide hope and inspiration to a diverse audience. As the executive producer of RLC Group Productions, Richardson’s faith is essential to the creativity that makes her filmmaking so successful.
Written in partnership with Tom White.