Erewhon, the upscale grocery chain known for steep prices, celebrity endorsements, and health-conscious smoothie collaborations, has recently launched its latest summer sensation, the Vacation “Sunscreen” Smoothie. Erewhon enjoys a widespread market presence for its high-profile concoctions like Hailey Bieber’s Strawberry Glaze Skin Smoothie, which became a permanent menu item. Now this supermarket chain has partnered with the viral sunscreen brand “Vacation” to bring this unique seasonal beverage this summer. 

Inspired by Classic Sunscreen lotion by Vacation, which is renowned for its nostalgic aroma—a blend of coconut, banana, chlorine, and swimsuit lycra—this new smoothie is prepared with an array of tropical ingredients. The coconut-heavy base of the smoothie is created by a mix of coconut water, coconut milk, coconut soft serve, coconut meat, and coconut whipped cream. The flavor is further complemented by banana, aloe vera, Tahitian vanilla, blue spirulina, and a touch of sea salt. This made Erewhon’s Vacation Smoothie a drink that is both a tribute to coconut and a refreshing summer treat. 

Compared to Erewhon standards like the famous Bieber’s 20-ounce drink at $19, this Sunscreen Smoothie is surprisingly affordable with a price tag of $9 for a 12-ounce pack. Earlier the pricing of Erewhon’s products has often sparked discussions among its patrons. One Redditor even hilariously suggested that the prices at Erewhon’s stores might be a result of Lucille Bluth’s fictional whims from Arrested Development. Such light-hearted speculations have often reflected the general curiosity and sometimes disbelief among people about the supermarket’s cost structure. However, the price of the Vacation Smoothie is likely to bring more positive attention to the brand as the drink is made affordable for the masses.  

The Sunscreen Smoothie will be available at all 10 Erewhon locations throughout June. Meanwhile, the brand Vacation is promoting the smoothie as a beverage designed to elevate the relaxing experience of their Classic Lotion. Vacation took to Instagram to highlight the smoothie as a refreshing blend and playful version of their sunscreen’s beloved scent. 

Free woman beach summer illustration

Initial reviews on TikTok have revealed mixed reactions among customers, with many saying that banana is the dominant flavor in the drink. Some even expressed skepticism about the palatability of a sunscreen-inspired drink. However, Vacation’s Founding Partner Lach Hall has embraced the curiosity among customers, stating, “People have been telling us that [Vacation] ‘smells good enough to eat.’ We had too much fun working with the smoothie kings themselves to create a drinkable and delicious iteration of Classic Lotion sunscreen.” 

The launch of the Sunscreen Smoothie has marked a new chapter in Erewhon’s rich history of innovative and often quirky product range. The collaboration between Erewhon and Vacation highlights the knack of two giant supermarket brands to create new products that not only create a buzz in the market but also reflect their commitment to delivering unique, health-conscious options to the clientele. 

As summer is in full swing, those near an Erewhon can enjoy the opportunity to experience the Vacation “Sunscreen” Smoothie firsthand until the end of June. Coupled with a bottle of Vacation’s Classic Lotion, this summer treat is spreading a quintessential summer vibe, perfect for social media snapshots. 

Erewhon’s latest Vacation smoothies blend nostalgia and novelty in a beverage that is luring customers eager to soak in the essence of summer. As the month progresses, it will be interesting to see whether the Sunscreen Smoothie can successfully capture the market to enjoy the iconic status of its predecessors at Erewhon’s stores.